Two sets 12T waste plastic to oil plant are being installed in Vietnam
One set 12T waste tyre to oil pyrolysis plant was installed in the Philippines
One set 10T waste tire to oil machine has been installed in Gansu, China
Two sets 12T waste tire to oil machine were installed in kyrgyzstan
Two sets 12T waste tire pyrolysis equipment installed in Hebei, China
Inner Mongolia customer’s 2 sets 12T/D waste tire pyrolysis plant successfully installed
4 sets of 12T waste tire pyrolysis equipment installed in Fujian, China
Two sets 10T waste tire pyrolysis plant successfully installed in Hunan, China
Four sets of 12 T/D waste tire pyrolysis equipment were installed in Fujian,China
2 sets plastic pyrolysis recycling to oil machines installed in Yunnan, China
4 sets 10T/D convert plastic to oil machine completed installation in Hubei,China
2 sets 12T/D pyrolysis tyre plant finished install in Kyrgyzstan